
Amman Travel Guide | Amman What to Do

Amman, the capital of Jordan, is a fascinating city of contrasts – a unique blend of old and new, ideally situated on a hilly area between the desert and the fertile Jordan Valley. 

In the commercial heart of the city, ultra-modern buildings, hotels, smart restaurants, art galleries and boutiques rub shoulders comfortably with traditional coffee shops and tiny artisans' workshops. Everywhere there is evidence of the city's much older past.

Due to the city's modern-day prosperity and temperate climate, almost half of Jordan's population is concentrated in the Amman area. The residential suburbs consist of mainly tree-lined streets and avenues flanked by elegant, almost uniformly white houses in accordance with a municipal law, which states that all buildings must be faced with local stone. 

The downtown area is much older and more traditional with smaller businesses producing and selling everything from fabulous jewellery to everyday household items.

The people of Amman are multi-cultural, multi-denominational, well-educated and extremely hospitable. They welcome visitors and take pride in showing them around their fascinating and vibrant city.


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Are you looking for Amman Sightseeing Tour? Enjoy this Amman City Tour and spend the day touring Amman city, the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Half-day o

Duration: 8 Hours

Are you looking for Amman City Tour? Discover Amman Tour to have the chance to spend your time visiting Amman's must-see City attractions. Amman is simply a difficult p

Duration: 3 Hours

Are you looking for Amman Sightseeing Tour? Enjoy this Amman City Tour and spend the day touring Amman city, the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Half-day o

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